Thursday, 14 October 2021


Happy Vijaya Dashami 2022


    Today we shall know something about VIJAYADASHMI.  VIJAYADASHAMI is also known as DUSSEHRA in Hindus. Dussehra is celebrated on the DASHMI tithi of Ashwin month at the end of Navratri. In 2022 dussehra would be celebrated on 5th october 2022. VIJAYA mean victory and DASHAMI  means dashmi tithi. Indian Hindu  people celebrate VIJAYADASHMI for the victory of good over the evil. DEVI DURGA defeated the devil MAHISHASURA on this day. God RAMA killed the DASHANAN RAVAN on this auspicious day. In INDIA people perform plays and BHAVAI and feel pleased by playing roles of RAMA, LAXMAN, SITA, RAVAN etc on this da. Some people recite the scriptures and do SHASTRA POOJA ( puja of weapons ). Some people keep fast on this day to make them blessed. 


    In INDIA,VIJAYADASHMI is celebrated in various regions with full happiness and enjoyment. Some religious  people perform puja of  GODDESS DURGA, and enjoy sweets such as HALWA , LADDUS, BARFI, etc. It is also called ' DUSSEHRA SUKHDU'. In Gujarat, there is a trend to enjoy the sweet JALEBI with FAFDA GATHIYA and delicious UNDHIYU too. Being GUJJU, we love to enjoy sweet and Namkeen food which is our basic need as our sweet nature. You will get surprised to know a fact that in AHMEDABAD, The selling of FAFDA-JALEBI goes upto 10000kgs within only two hours in the morning. People stand in long queues to purchase this food , as it has become a tradition for us.  There is a tradition of IMMERSION OF IDOLS OF RAVANA in various parts of India, as God RAMA killed the demon RAVAN and restored DHARMA over the earth. This tradition is being followed for many centuries as RAVAN DAHAN.
    According to MAHABHARAT, there is a legend that On the same day and occasion, Arjuna defeated so many KAURAVA WARRIORS such as Bhishma, Kripacharya, Dronacharya, Ashwatthama, Karna and so on. DUSSEHRA  is mainly the symbol of victory of DHARMA over ADHARMA, victory of GOOD over EVIL. On this auspicious day , Rama  killed RAVANA and saved all the world from the asura raj. People burns the RAVANA IDOLS to burn their inner Ravan of lies, Adharm and vices. We also enlighten our selves by removing the darkness from ourselves.


      In Hindus, Navratri is a most favorite festival of all and holds special place in hearts of all devotees  and soul as well. People enjoy the nine days of festivity by worshiping goddess Durga. VIJAYADASHMI 2022 is celebrated cheerfully and joyfully by worshiping Goddess DURGA. Goddess DURGA is believed to be the destroyer of all evils. Devi Katyayani is a warrior form of devi Durga who brings peace to the world. She is also known as MAHISHASURMARDINI - A demon (a raxas ) named Mahishasura was killed by her and world and all the devotees got free from him. A demon Mahishasura was troubling all devotees and GOD. As passing the time, he was getting more and more powerful and fearless , that's why all the gods were worried about their existence. They went to goddess Shakti and prayed her to save themselves and the world from Mahishasura. Goddess Shakti granted the wish of Sage Katyayan and born on the earth as his daughter. Once two messengers CHANDA and MUNDA saw Katyayani and were astonished by her grace and beauty. They ran to Mahishasura and described her grace.  Mahishasura sent his messenger DUNDUBHI  to talk to Katyayani and to propose her for marriage. Katyayani Challenged Mahishasura that he must defeat her in battle. When Katyayani came in front of him, he transformed himself into a buffalo. Katyayani killed Mahishasura with TRISHUL (trident ) and cut off  his head.

Images of Vijayadashmi Wishes 2022

दहन पुतलो का ही नहीं,बुरे
विचारो का भी करना होगा।

श्री राम का करके स्मरण,
हर रावण से लड़ना होगा।

अधर्म पर धर्म की विजय के
महापर्व दशहरा की हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं।।


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